Space Weather Report

Athens Cosmic Ray Station
Product: Daily Forecast of Geomagnetic Activity
Issued: 2025 February 05 05:24UTC
Prepared by the Athens Space Weather Forecasting Center

I. Solar activity
--Current Status
Solar Flux (10.7cm) measured on 04.02.2025 at 23:00 UTC was 212 sfu.
The background X-Ray flux is at the class C2.2 level.
Five M-class solar flares were produced on February 04 and the largest was the M4.7.
AR3981 erupted on February 04 at 11:21 UT peak time producing a M4.7-class solar flare and a radio blackout of category R1.
No obviously Earth directed CMEs were observed in available LASCO imagery on February 01-03.
An equatorial coronal hole (CH1268) was Earth facing position on January 28-February 01.
An equatorial coronal hole (CH1269) will rotate across the central meridian on February 06-07.

II. Solar Energetic Particle Events
Protons and electrons fluxes are quiet.

III. Interplanetary and Geomagnetic conditions
The solar wind speed measured by ACE satellite reached the max value 454 Km/s on February 04 at 06:10 UT during the last 24 hours.
The solar wind speed from STEREO A was detected 400 Km/s during the last 24 hours.
The vertical component of IMF Bz reached the max value -3 nT on February 04 at 16:45 UT during the last 24 hours.
The geomagnetic field was at quiet levels during the last 24 hours.
The Kp index now is at quiet levels with Kp=1.

IV. 3-day Geomagnetic Activity Forecast
The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels on February 05-07.

DateAp index forecastGeomagnetic Activity level

Athens Space Weather Forecasting Center
Physics Department, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Athens Neutron Monitor Station A.NE.MO.S
Tel.: +30 210 727 6901