*********************************************************************** Product: Daily Forecast of Geomagnetic Activity Issued: 2018 July 16 04:53UTC Prepared by the Athens Space Weather Forecasting Center *********************************************************************** 1. Solar activity Solar activity was almost stable during the past 24 hours. Solar Flux (10.7 cm) measured on 15.07.2018 at 20:00 UTC was 72 sfu. The background X-Ray flux is at the class A3 level. The geomagnetic field was at very quiet levels on July 15. No obviously Earth directed CMEs were observed in available LASCO imagery. The Kp index now is at quiet levels with Kp=1. 2. Solar Wind Geomagnetic Activity Solar Wind speed from ACE: 330 km/s. Solar Wind speed from STEREO A: 600 km/s. Solar Wind speed from STEREO B: --- km/s. The southward component Bz is: 1 nT south. 3. Solar Energetic Particle Events Protons and electrons are quiet. 4. Coronal Holes An extension of the northern polar coronal hole (CH875) will be in Earth facing position on July 15-16. 5. Geophysical Activity Forecast The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels with a chance for unsettled intervals on July 16 due to minor CH874 effects and at very quiet levels on July 17-18. Date Estimated Ap index Expected geom. storm 2018.07.16 05 - 2018.07.17 03 - 2018.07.18 02 - *************************************************************************** Athens Space Weather Forecasting Center Physics Department, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens Neutron Monitor Station A.NE.MO.S Tel.: +30 210 727 6901 email: spaceweather@phys.uoa.gr URL: http://spaceweather.phys.uoa.gr ***************************************************************************